Information management services
Comprehensive system services for our customers

The systems we offer cover all your needs for insurance, advice and processing of pension applications as well as calculation and payment of statutory pensions and supplementary pensions.
Our experienced specialists work closely with our clients to develop systems and we have a good understanding of their business needs. Porasto’s in-house experts and system developers also use all Porasto systems in their daily work.
We offer the following system services
- Payment of pensions and benefits
- Processing of statutory and supplementary pension claims; calculation of pensions
- Management and archiving of electronic documents
- Online service for personal customers, policyholders and pension administrators of Porasto’s clients
- Registration of earnings and employment relationships for supplementary pensions
- Management of YEL insurance
- Accounting for investment activities
- Financial management solution
Decades of personalised system service
Customers can choose to use one or more of the systems provided by Porasto. The system services to be provided are agreed on a client-by-client basis. We place a strong emphasis on system security and have decades of experience in operating a multi-client environment.